
Weight Loss Ticker

Friday, May 22, 2009

20 hours

Yesterday's Training:
Weight: 228.5 lbs.
Morning Run: 3 miles @ 9:17 easy run week
Afternoon Run: 2 miles intervals with daughter
Strength Training: None

Weekly run total: 18 miles

Last Week's Total: 45 miles
This morning's weight: Forgot to weigh myself

Training done, only the big event to go. I am excited, nervous, and a bit scared.


antgirl said...

Wooot woooot wooooooot!! I'm cheering you on!

Apex Zombie said...

It should only be a few more hours to the race, so good luck mate! Kick some ass!

Paul D said...

losing weight is also is important to great fitness and so is a good diet!