
Weight Loss Ticker

Monday, March 5, 2007

Weigh In

Today I weighed 357.6 lbs. I lost 2.4 lbs since last Monday.

I was a little disappointed. I had hoped to lose at least 1 more pound, but I will take any weight loss. Having started my exercise routine. I thought I would lose weight quicker. There could be a number of reasons I did not 1) I should not expect to sustain the amount of weight loss that I saw in the first few weeks, 2) I may have lost more in fat, but it was offset by muscle gain, 3) I think I have been letting my portion sizes get bigger, 4) I have been eating nuts as snacks, 5) I ate out 3 days in a row (Friday-Sunday). While I did not make horrible choices, I could have done better.

My plan for this week is to 1) maintain my exercise routine, 2) Look into buying calipers to measure fat, 3) watch my portion sizes, 4) replace the nuts with low fat popcorn 100 calorie packs, 5) not eat out, 6) be thankful that I am living fit no matter what the scale says.

NUTS: I read that walnuts, pistachios, and peanuts have the omega3 fats which increases the "good" cholesterol. I think that this triggered in my mind the idea that eating nuts was healthy. But I was wrong. Despite the benefits of nuts, they are still high in fat and calories. If you buy them in cans, many of them add peanut oil to boot. Perhaps if I could eat just a few they would be fine, but I find myself eating a handful here and there throughout the day. Instead, I will have lowfat microwave popcorn. I found a brand that makes a 100 calorie pack. They are more filling than nuts. I think they are a whole grain, so they are not completely wasted calories like the snack pack cookies.


Josh said...

The only thing that I've found keeps my honest while eating nuts is weighing them and putting them in 100 calorie portions. I use the little, half sandwich zip lock baggies.

Also, I mostly eat them after 5 PM, when I've stopped consuming carbs. As you suggested, stay away from nuts that are fried in oil, which is just about all of them at the grocery store. Go to healthfood stores. Some grocers have raw almonds. Walnuts are the best source of omega's, and should be raw too.

Half Man said...

That's a good idea. I have started to eat a few nuts here and there, but not like before. I think for me, it is better to sprinkle some on a salad, or put them in my oatmeal.

Sometimes, I have some celery with peanut butter on them. I use the natural peanut butter. I love the ingredient label: peanuts.