
Weight Loss Ticker

Monday, May 14, 2007

Week 15 Weigh-In

This morning I weighed 325 lbs. This is a loss of 4.8 lbs. for the week and a total of 55 lbs.

Living fit has paid off in the weight department, but even better it has paid off with my family. I took the kids to the park yesterday to give my wife a little time to herself. I played with the kids and they loved it. We had a lot of fun. The littlest one (2 yrs old) was taking a nap at home while I had the others at the park. She was awake when we got home. So, I put the baby seat on my bike and took her for a nice brisk ride around the neighborhood. This was her first bike ride with me and was giggling the whole ride. Yes Spider, the bike held up with my weight + her 35 lbs. This benefit of living fit far outweighs the excitement of weight loss.

Living Fit Is My #1 Job!


TitanThirteen said...

Gee i couldn't put a baby seat on my bike for my son. He'd sufficate! lol
$ daughters with one on the way. You'll be broke paying for weddings in 20 years!

TitanThirteen said...

..Oops $ = 4 :o)
AWESOME weight loss BTW!! Is that about 2 kilos? Do you keep a food/exercise diary?

Apex Zombie said...

Dude! Congratulations! That's a huge loss. And yeah, that's a little over 2 kilos.

And that's great that you got to spend some quality time with the family.

Half Man said...

I keep an exercise diary, but no food diary. Food diaries don't work for me. I find it quite burdensome to write down all I eat, count points, count calories, count carbs, etc... I would do it for a while then become lax. So when I quite doing the diary, I soon stopped worrying about what I ate.

This time I keep no records, but I do have guidelines. I do read labels to compare calories, fat ratios, dietary fiber, to avoid all those hidden added sugars. I also pay attention to portion size.

Maria said...

Wow, you're doing great! I'm just starting my weight loss journey. Thanks for the inspiration.

"The Captain" said...

great job!!! Just think you were down just a few days ago. You are going to be joining the under 300 club sooner rather than later.