Last Week's Weight: 238.8 lbs.
Today's Weight: 235.2 lbs. (-3.6)
Total Lost: 144.8 lbs.
Fat Ratio: 21.0%
Lean Mass: 185.8 lbs.
Fat Mass: 49.4 lbs.
Waist: 46.0 inches
Back from vacation and as you can see, the quest to lose weight while vacationing worked out. I had a few indulgences and a little sickness, but in the end I had quite a substantial loss. I am not sure if anyone else lost 17.8 lbs. in the Labor Day Challenge, but I suspect I may have pulled it off and won. This also means that I have lost more than 3/4 of my original goal weight. This means I am 5/8ths man. I am getting closer every week to reaching my Half Man goal!
One nice thing that has recently happened is that my wife has started walking. She has a pedometer and keeps track of her steps every day. I am proud of her.
I started reading a book called "Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating." It is critical of the USDA health pyramid because it is too vague and misleading. I understand why the author says this, but for me, I guess I just filled in the vagaries and wasn't mislead due to a lot of other things I read. So when it makes grains, bread, pastas, and rice the base of a healthy diet, I assumed this meant whole grains, not refined. I do think that the criticisms are worth reviewing.
The book has much more than mere criticism of the food pyramid. For example, it gives some guideline for evaluating studies. I will need to do separate posts on the things I learn in this book. It is quite good so far.
Oh yeah, I did a practice triathlon this morning. I finished it and felt great. About an hour later I started to feel wiped out. I am not sure if its from the workout or this lingering sinus/allergy thing that crept up on me last week.
I hope everyone is doing well and staying out of Gustav's way.
"If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves."--Thomas Edison
Living Fit Is My #1 Job!
Dude, congrats on the continued loss, and on taking out the challenge, AND on doing the practice triathlon! So much :D
I have a feeling that YOU are the WINNER! I'm sure not, but I'm keeping on keeping on anyway...
You are so inspiring. I'm thinking about buying some running shoes and giving that a try. On the weather channel, there's a guy doing a three month training thing for a half marathon. There's supposed to be a place on their website to follow along, but I haven't found the button yet. Guess they're a LITTLE busy with Fay, Gustav, Hanna, Ike and maybe later, Josephine. I'll keep checking. Anyway, I'm feeling an urge to run or jog - something more than walking. Could it be the ever-so-slow approach of fall?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, you ROCK!!
Hey thanks for giving me a nudge in the right direction! ;-)
You're succeeding on so many levels - I hope you're allowing yourself to be insufferably smug every now and again, otherwise, what's the point ;)
Quite a nice loss for the challenge - congratulations! I look forward to your posts about the book.
Maybe gobsmacked is not the word for it...too much over the top? But awesome, WOW, grandioso do apply. Very good on you, the triathlon thing especially ....wows me.
Your so close to your wedding weight, overall a superb result, soon you really will be Half the Man!!
I am down to fifteen stone, so I still have a bit to go.
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