Last Week's Weight: 243.2 lbs.
Today's Weight: 241.8 lbs. (-1.4)
Total Lost: 138.2 lbs.
Fat Ratio: 22.5%
Lean Mass: 187.4 lbs.
Fat Mass: 54.4 lbs.
Waist: 47 inches
No time to comment much today. It's our 19th wedding anniversary. I had hoped to get to my wedding weight (235 lbs.) by today, but no dice. It's not a big deal. It just would have been cool. One thing, I have noticed as I approach that weight is that my proportions are not the same as back then. I think all that weight has taken a toll on my body shape. I guess that is just part of the consequences I must live with.
Till death do us part.
Living Fit Is My #1 Job!

Looking GOOD - Keep working hard, I am back and ready to focus again so dont count on winning without a little challenge from someone...
|Those photographs look lovely, and you are still a man worth while looking at *grins*
But do I sense some sort of "blue "note in that last post? Resignation that you are not as wonderfull as you were then? Geeeeeeeeeez, if that is the case STOP IT WILL YOU!
Just imagine we all stayed the way we were 19 years ago. -shudders- we had out hang ups then too, and they were just as horrible as the ones we have now.
Hope you have/had a grand anniversary! And really treated you girl like a queen!
Congrats on the loss mate. And Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! I know you're not where you hoped to be but you are SO close! That is an amazing accomplishment in and of itself.
Yeah... your body is different. I'll bet your wife's body is different after all those kids too - but I don't recall ever hearing you complain about it. In fact, it sounds like you love her just as much if not more than you did then. And I suspect that body-shape has nothing to do with it. Relax. The main thing is being healthy and being THERE.
Awww look at you guys! Congratulations on your anniversary, and on the loss!
Happy Anniversary!!! Your photos are just beautiful. How handsome you are!I know what you mean about the weight taking a toll on body shape. I'm noticing the same thing though I really don't have the same comparison to make since I've lost next to nothing.
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