Last Week's Weight: 251.4 lbs.
Today's Weight: 253.4 lbs. (+2.0)
Total Lost: 126.6 lbs.
Fat Ratio: 23.1%
Lean Mass: 194.9 lbs.
Fat Mass: 58.5 lbs.
Waist: 47.5 inches
That was disappointing to say the least. It's strange how on the previous week I weighed 4 lbs. less than I weighed on Monday. This week, I weighed 3 lbs less on Saturday than I weighed on Monday. I am not quite sure what the issue is. But obviously last week was no blip.
I have had a bit more stress lately. Also, I cut back on exercise last week as I was showing symptoms of over training, although they are also symptoms of stress. This week I am back up to my normal level of exercise and everything seems to be falling in place, so I think the light week helped, but not on the scale.
This could be muscle gain, my body adjusting, or even the weather. These weight gains have corresponded with the warmer weather. With the added stress, I have been more anxious and restless. Strangely, I have been feeling more down in the dumps despite the nicer weather.
Next week, I leave for a conference in Milwaukee. My family is coming with me. After the conference, we are taking a week's vacation with some friends in St. Louis. That will be tricky food-wise since we will be staying at their house and somewhat subject to what they serve. I do have a few strategies in the works that should help, while not making me seem to be an ungrateful guest. I am looking forward to running around Forest Park. I have biked around it, rollerbladed around it, but I have never run around it.
"Success in life is a matter not so much of talent or opportunity as of concentration and perseverance."--C. W. Wendte
Living Fit Is My #1 Job!
It sounds like you're doing your best to figure out what happened. You'll do just fine on vacation. Have a great time!
Hang in there and keep trying that is the main thing. Take time during your vacation to HAVE FUN, that will help reduce stress. Don't be too obsessed with you weight while you are vacationing with your family.
Enjoy your vacation! I know you'll figure out a way to deal with the food - just stay moderate and take whatever opportunities to exercise that present themselves.
I'm still yo-yo-ing around those same 2-3 lbs. The culprit for me really IS exercise - as in, I haven't been able to do any because it hurts. Surgery next week - yay!!!!
When ever I gain a few pounds, I like to think that it is penis growth, and that my already massive tool has just reached new levels of rock-hard molecular density and girth.
Sometimes it is hard to see, so I keep a magnifying glass by the scale.
That conference and vacation sounds nice. I'm sure your run around that park will be brilliant :)
Sorry you had another gain this week, but like you said, it could be muscle gain. Either way, it's about heatlh :)
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