Along with that, I read all kinds of fantasy like Tolkien, Brooks, and Moorcock. I still read fantasy quite a bit. I even wrote short fantasy stories now and then, though not for publication.
I loved Star Trek and still do. I like them all. I rented Star Trek Enterprise and watched all the seasons over a year's time. I have even been to a couple of Star Trek conventions. I like other Sci-Fi shows like Babylon 5 and Farscape.

I started playing trombone in the 4th grade. So I was a band geek from early on. I even went to band camp for three years and I loved it. In fact, I met my wife at band camp. I started out as a music major in college. Now I play in a stage band. In fact, we have a big concert coming up soon.

I also hung around some of the "burnouts." I got into smoking and drinking and the like. I was never really a part of that group.
I was always involved in church. I was in youth group by my own choice. My parents didn't force me to go or anything. I like church and still do. My Christian faith is an important part of my life.
When it gets down to it, I was never really a part of any cliques. I just new that despite my involvement in sports, I wasn't considered a jock. I certainly wasn't when of the "popular" kids. I guess I didn't worry about it all that much, but as I look back, I see that I was pretty much a geek and I still am!

Living Fit Is My #1 Job!
Nice post, I can relate to a bit of all of that. Now, back to business - Basically ONE month left in the 4th of July Challenge, WHAT are you going to do about it.... B
Cool post :)
I can relate to a few of the things you mentioned there.
You know, we never used that term in school (in the Caribbean) and so I never really understood it until later in life through American TV.
From what you describe though, it sounds as though you were a very well rounded kid - curious and balanced spiritually, creatively, physically, socially and intellectually with a little harmless experimentation thrown in.
By the way, I never got into the first Star Trek but I loved the Second Generation with Jean Luc (yum). ;P
You have really spiffed up your blog with vibrant colors and the like. I like your list of upcoming milestones. I may add something like that to my blog at some point. Re. Star Trek, I got into it after a couple of seasons and throughly enjoyed it. My enthusiasm for the original didn't carry over to its rebirth with a new cast. I agree with Nona that you sound like you were a well rounded kid.
Me too. comic books, action figures, geek.
Dungeons and Dragons - check
Tolkien, Brooks & Moorcock - check
Star Trek, all seasons - check
Babylon 5 & Farscape - check
I even played the trombone for a couple of years at school.
However, church, sports, computer programming and conventions were all alien to me.
Mind you I do wonder just how many of us have/had more than a passing resemblance to the Comic Book Guy in The Simpsons...
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