
Weight Loss Ticker

Monday, September 10, 2007

Week 32 Weigh-In

This morning I weighed 291.4 lbs. which is a respectable 4 lb. loss from last week. Hopefully, I will break the 290's next week. My body fat is 28.25% which is down 2.65% from 3 weeks ago. This gives me a lean mass of 209.1 lbs. which is up 6.6 lbs. and a fat mass of 82.3 lbs. which is a loss of 8.2 lbs. (from 3 weeks ago). My waist is 52.5 inches which is down 1 inch also from 3 weeks ago.

All in all, it was a good week fitness-wise. My new weight lifting routine is going well. Cardio slowed down this last week for various reasons, but I still did it 6 days last week even if some days were only for a half hour. I am continue to train for the 5.7 mile race on October 27th via the Beginning Runner's Handbook method. My daughter is still training with me. I am really pleased that she is sticking with it after 6 weeks.

Endurance is the crowning quality,
And patience all the passion of great hearts. -- James Russel Lowell

Living Fit Is My #1 Job!


Scott Hidalgo said...

What do you think of the running plan, so far?

john - from fat to fit said...

Congrats on the 4 lb. loss - that's more than respectable.

I'm curious on the 5.7 mile race, it seem an odd number since it is less than 10k - what's that all about?

TitanThirteen said...

You are doing so awesomely!
What is your secret to continual motivation?
How do you move from that point in life where we keep failing - one minor setback sets us on a downward spiral, to being motivated every day and just enduring?
It's that turning point that seporates the successors from the strugglers. But just where is that point and how does it work?

TitanThirteen said...

I'm impressed that your daughter is sticking it out too. I'm flat out just getting my kids to walk with me!

Sayre said...

You should add juggling to your resume - you sure have a lot going on! And your 4 lb loss is most impressive!

Half Man said...

Scott - So far, it has been quite doable for me. The proof will be the race.

John - I started a 13-week program designed to train beginning runners to run a 10k race. I looked for races 13 weeks out and found I didn't want to bite off more than I could chew so I chose the 5.7 mile rather than the 1/2 marathon.

Cactus - I hate to say it, but I have no secret...I started to give a fuller explanation when I realized that my reply was way too long for this space. I will make this the topic of my next post instead.

Sayre - I do juggle as a hobby, lol. I taught myself in high school and have been doing it ever since.

Moby Dick said...

Good job! 4 pounds!