
Weight Loss Ticker

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Gross Pictures, but Progress

I always intended to post pictures after each 10 lb. loss. I think I have missed a couple. Anyhow, since I dipped below 290, I put these together with the ones I took near the beginning of my journey.

Doh! I see I time traveled and put tommorows date on the picture, lol.

Living Fit Is My #1 Job!


Sayre said...

You may think they're gross, but they show off all your hard work. When you get to your final destination, you'll find inspiration in them. I find inspiration in them now.

WeeeSplat said...

Wow that's amazing... you have come such a long way... and I fully agree with Sayre... you may think they're icky but they show you how far you have come and how much work you have done... and they are motivation to never get to that point again...

Lily T said...

The difference is amazing!

Don Q. said...

Proud to know you and call you a comrade in arms.

-Sir Chubalot.

ArleneWKW said...

An excellent way to show your progress.

"The Captain" said...

Great job sticking with your goals. It's not easy,but it is simple.I told you before you help motivate me to lose the last 6 pounds of my journey.

Kim Ayres said...

I don't know whether you have this problem - you kept your underwear on so I couldn't see (and no, that isn't a request) - but I remember being quite worried about an area of fat I couldn't imagine losing.

I don't know what thetechnical term is, but essentially it's the pubic mound above your manhood.

When I looked side on in the mirror and saw the belly overhanging, I was also aware of that area of fat overhanging too.

However, now I'm back down to a more or less normal size, I'm pleased to say the excess has disappeared there too.

I don't know whether this has been an area of concern for you, but if it was I just thought I'd let you know it needn't be.

Half Man said...

Thanks for all your comments. They are greatly appreciated. For the record, I am nto posing in underwear, but my workout shorts.

TitanThirteen said...

Yea it looks really good! Try to use the same lighting next time.