
Weight Loss Ticker

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

3 years 45 weeks or 201 weeks-Weigh-In

275.5 lbs. (Last week was 277.5 lbs.) so I am down 2 lbs. from last week.

Still running 3 times a week. I am having difficulty weight training more than once a week. I would like to bump it up to the three times a week and also add three days of alternate cardio. However, I am quite happy and comfortable with my progress. I am feeling good. I am feeling stronger and I am living fit.

Living Fit Is My #1 Job!


dee said...

Nice blog! Are you continuing to drop lbs after 3 years? You must have done some conditioning before you began. Have you slipped back into old habit during your journey?

Anonymous said...

You are doing such good work! I'm very impressed with your efforts and your long-term attitude; you will be much more successful than short-term dieters.
What spurred you to begin this fit life?
My boyfriend is ~275 lbs and your height, and I deeply wish he would do something similar to what you're doing. Maybe someday.
I've been watching UCSF mini-med school videos on youtube, andkeeping physically fit lowers your risk of early death down to nearly normal levels, even if you're still obese. So kudos to you, good luck, and keep up the good work!


Employer Wellness Programs said...

The best way to lose weight is the natural healthy way which is good diet, workout regularly, have lots of fluids. Keep up the good work!

Medical Transcription Company said...

Admire your persistence. It takes persistence and not magic to get there. Hang in there.

Michael Hines said...

Well done!

You are definitely on the right track. Although this post is over 4 months old, I am sure you have reached your goals by now!

Great inspiration to all people and for that, I want to say thank you!

Take care


Chi Health said...

Your progress is amazing. Keep up the good work. You should give us an update again, you serve ase motivation to all of us that are trying to lose weight. In today's world were poor nutrition is everywhere and healthy vices are few and far between, you are motivation for all of us.

bob said...

Hey, really great blog post… I've enjoyed reading through your blog because of the great style and energy you put into each post. I actually run, a blog of my personal research and experiences. If you're interested, I would love to have you on as a guest blogger. Please send me an e-mail: bob.mauer65(at)gmail(dot)com, and I can give you more information. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Schwinn 460 said...

Almost 4 years in and you still have the drive to keep losing weight. Good for you. Keep up the hard work, it'll pay off.

Breast augmentation said...

Its really very great post and i am completely agree with this post. The happiness is the best medicine for good health. Its very nice info.

dan said...

wow, this all i can say, wow!
you are so driven to your goal. the maximum i did is 2 months workout in a gym 2 times a week. ofcourse i lost almost nothing of my weight.

Tim @ edmontonhcgdrops said...

Thats quite a cool perspective on things. Happiness does help in many aspects of life, not just in weight loss. I just read the happiness book, check it out.

Tina said...

Nice blog! What a journey you under took! Is there any new updates how you are doing?

Buladi said...

You have always been different, and that is made you a success.

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women's health fitness said...

Great blog! I know its hard to do, keeping in shape while in travel..but you're an inspiration and a motivation for us.. Keep on posting!

Joe said...

I love your blog! So many great articles... I thought you might like to know that is offering 10% off their products with the code ORALCARE :)  Happy New Years!

Jennifer said...

Your actually progressing really nicely and you are losing just the right amount of weight every week. A healthy lifestyle and exercise is really the best way to get in shape. It is best to take things slowly just like what you are doing right now. I love your attitude.