
Weight Loss Ticker

Monday, October 15, 2007

Three Quaters Man!!!!! Half-Way There!

Today, I weighed 284.6 lbs. which is a 1.4 lb. loss for the week and a total of 95.4 lbs. I have lost a quarter of my weight, and I am now half-way to my goal. My fat ratio is 29.1% (-0.3) giving me a lean mass of 201.8 lbs (-0.2) and a fat mass of 82.8 lbs. (-1.2). My waist remains at 52.5 inches.

I was shocked and frustrated by the scale this morning. While on our mini-vacation last week, I made a lot of unhealthy food choices. I did no cardio besides the regular running routine. I thought for sure, I would show a gain on the scale. Of course, it might not show up until next week. None the less, it was a nice surprise to see the loss. Then I thought, imagine what it could have been if I hadn't eaten those donuts at the cider mill or ordered the moussaka (sp?) at the Greek restaurant or etc... Anyhow, I am redoubling my efforts this week.

It is now 12 days until race day. I was hoping to get into the 270's by race day. It may still happen, but probably not by my next official weigh-in.

"You cannot plow a field by turning it over in your mind." -- Author Unknown

Living Fit Is My #1 Job!


Kim Ayres said...

Congrats on the loss - even if you don't know where it came from. Ah well, it evens out the times when you have the gain you can't figure out either.

However, while you may have made some unhealthy choices, my guess is that you were compensating on other meals, which really pays off.

cmae said...

YESSSSS!!! GREAT job, 3QMan!!

Christine said...

A significant loss and you should be super proud!

Lift Heavy Rock said...

Great job!

Anonymous said...

wow, amazing. i cant wait for the day i can say the same.

Apex Zombie said...

Congrats mate :) I'm really glad for you.

Lily T said...

Whoo hoo! Congratulations on your accomplishment!

I’ve noticed that when I slack off for a short time and then return, it actually helps with the continuing downward trend. Either way “doubling” your efforts sounds like a good idea.

Good luck to you on your race!

Moby Dick said...

Great work! Keep on going!! I appreciate the comment that you left at my blog regarding obese children. It is very true.

celtic_girl said...

Wow. a super acheivement, well done.

ArleneWKW said...

Your attitude with regard to the numbers on the scale seems to me to be a very healthy one. And, regardless of what those numbers are, redoubling one's efforts after a vacation is, IMHO, an excellent idea.

Sayre said...

Huh. I KNOW I posted a comment here and now it's not here... But basically, I said "Whoo-hoo!!!!"